The HKU 4510B-C is a compact suction device with material silo and discharge device. It is suitable for the extraction of banknote dust and free-flowing material (max. 250mm²). The antistatic filter elements are automatically cleaned with compressed air during operation, the filtered air flows back into the production room. A frequency converter continuously regulates the suction power, an automatic extinguishing system ensures fire protection. The base of the device is designed to be removable. As a result and via cellular wheel locks, the material reaches the containers below, each with a volume of 0.4m³. The level of the container is monitored and it must be emptied manually if necessary. Optional available with briquetting press.
HKU 1500 B-C is designed for the suction of shredded banknote material up to 60kg/h. Connections of three banknote sorting machines with integrated shredders are possible.